The Lo-Hi Desk
A tutorial by

- 2 - 6" Spider Legs
- 2 - 28" Spider Legs
- 1 - 96"x 48" Plywood
- 18 - 1.5" wood screws (box to desktop)(28" legs to desktop)
- 18 - 1" wood screws ( box fasteners)
- 18 - 3/4" wood screws (6"legs to box)
- Drill/Driver
- Circular Saw
- Orbital sander
- Tape Measure/Square tool
- Lapiz

Miguel Emmanuelli
Miguel Emmanuelli is Semi Exacts' in house photographer, videographer and maker. Miguel stands by the belief that all humans are creators meant to create-And his mission is to bring everyone closer to their true nature with Semi Exact.
Miguel enjoys designing, making and photographing, simple, visually satisfying builds with accessible lumber that anyone can tackle.
"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -L. Davinci

Step 1:
Prep your top
Cut two 24" x 48" pieces from your ply. Take those two cuts, glue together with wood glue, clamp all sides and set aside for 12-24 hours. Once cured, Take your circular saw and create a 30 degree angle on it. Begin to saw all four sides taking only a .5" off. This will give your table a nice angled edge. Sand afterwards to soften the sharp edges.

Step 2:
Prep your Box
Measure thrice, cut once. I use a square tool for all of my measuring(no wonky cuts). Now cut two 18" x 22" pieces. I always stack my same size cuts together to make sure they are as equal in dimension as possible. Cut the remaining ply into three 12" x 18" pieces. Sand these nicely and be sure they can make a decent box, hyper-critical ;)

Step 3:
Make your box
Now to create your box. Take the two 18" x 22" that are your sides and fasten them to two of your 12" x 18" cuts, your top and bottom. The last 12" x 18" cut will be added later. Keep your top and bottom pieces to the inside of your side pieces, this will allow you to drive your screws into the sides of the box, as seen in the photo. This part can be tricky, it helps to have clamps to hold it all together as you drive your screws in. Once I had my box made, I flipped my desktop upside down and attached my box with (9) 1.5" screws. Then, I shimmied my shelf(last 12" x 18" cut remaining) into the box and about 6 inches from the top of the desk. I proceeded to screw the shelf into the sides just like my top and bottom pieces.

Step 4:
Attach your legs
Now to attach your super sleek, spidey legs. I placed these on the corners diagonally and attached with (9) .75" screws, each. Love the look of these, an immediate modern effect once attached.

Step 5:
Flip the table and sand
The sanding is critical here. Lots of sharp edges that need softening, especially if you have kids. Very satisfying and really enhances the final look of the piece. I ordered some Hardwax teek oil to wipe on, still waiting on it :/ The finish will certainly make this looker last for years to come.